Time Attack Results Round One Cadwell Park Club Class

Time Attack 2013 Astra H VXR - Picture: © Rich Sams
Time Attack 2013 Astra H VXR – Picture: © Rich Sams
We are pleased to report a very successful opening round at Cadwell Park for the Courtenay Sport Racing backed DCE Motorsport entry in the 2013 Time Attack series, driven by Will Watson.

In somewhat ‘chilly’ but dry conditions, (the word Baltic was heard mentioned on more than one occasion) Will improved his times throughout the day, bettering them on every single occasion out on track.

In the end after posting the fastest time in the practice session at 1:47.733, Will bettered this time in the qualifying session with a time of 1.47.116 putting him second in the class and earning 40 championship points. In the Final Will went faster again posting a 1.45.357 to finish second in the Club Class adding a further 90 points to his total.

All in all the mechanics were untroubled during the day with little more to do than than routine checks to tyre pressures and brakes. The car, and driver both performed faultlessly. A massive congratulations to everyone concerned for a fantastic opener.

The Club Class Results can be seen below (Click to Enlarge):

Further Details can be found on the: DCE Motorsport’s Website.

Pictures: Time Attack Image Gallery

Full Class Results: Time Attack Website

E&OE. Results and points subject to confirmation.

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